God can do the impossible!”


Mattheus van der Steen’s journey is a remarkable testament to his unwavering commitment to faith, service, and supernatural encounters. Born in 1975 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, his life took a profound turn when he embarked on his maritime education at just 17 years old. Little did he know that this would be the beginning of an extraordinary adventure.
Upon completing his maritime studies, Mattheus embarked on a career as a Maritime Officer.
However, the course of his life changed dramatically during a day off while participating in a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) outreach in a South African slum. On that day, the Holy Spirit touched his heart, calling him into full-time missions.
In 1999, he answered this divine calling and partnered with Derek Prince and the Bridge to bring aid and hope to war-torn Kosovo. Amidst the chaos, Mattheus’s ministry witnessed the touch of God’s glory, resulting in countless miracles, signs, wonders, and salvations that ignited the hearts of villagers and city-dwellers alike.

Indelible mark of transformation
As the years unfolded, Mattheus received a vision from the Lord for Europe. He established various impactful ministries and events, including “Heaven on Earth,” weekly “Fire-Nights,” “Mission Possible,” “Harvest Nights,” and Gospel Music Festivals. His reach extended to closed nations like India, North and South Korea, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Pakistan, and many others, leaving an indelible mark of transformation.
In 2008, Myanmar experienced a supernatural encounter like no other when Mattheus’s ministry became a vessel for the Holy Spirit to touch 10,000 people simultaneously. This incredible event marked the beginning of a powerful revival that has since touched thousands upon thousands during campaigns across Myanmar.
Mattheus also founded the “Revival Alliance Netherlands” (now known as Harvest Fields Network) in 2008 and, in 2011, the “House of Heroes” family church, where he served as Senior Pastor for 14 years. In 2016, he launched the “School of Supernatural Heroes,” dedicated to training individuals in living a supernatural lifestyle. His written works, including the bestselling “Dare to Dream,” have inspired many on their spiritual journeys.
In 2020, Mattheus’s commitment to global evangelism led him to join the Europe Shall Be Saved Core Team (esbs.org) and the Global Evangelism Alliance (GEA). He organized “Awakening Europe Netherlands,” making significant strides in spreading the message of salvation.
Recent years

In 2023, Mattheus and Laura hosted and organized “Empowered 2023” in Amsterdam, gathering thousands of global leaders around the world to unite under the banner of the Great Commission.
Responding to a divine call in 2022, Mattheus and Laura relocated to the United States of America, where they established a mission base in partnership with Engaging Heaven Church and CFAN. They now reside in Florida, USA, with their children, Zephaniah, Justice, Destiny, and Chloe, along with their two cherished cats.
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